Thursday, September 30, 2010


Daya Thussu in the article ‘Creating a global communication infrastructure’ caught my attention because he points out with reason that “The biggest beneficiaries of the process of liberalization, deregulation and privatization and the WTO agreements have been the transnational companies TNCs”.

Robert McChesney, in the article called ‘Media Systems Goes Global’ says that “The rise to dominance of the global commercial media system is more that an economic matter; it also has clear implications for media content, politics, and culture”. Then, he explains that there are less than ten global (TNCs), and four or five dozen firms that cover regional and niche markets. Therefore, from the point of view of media perspective, and taking into account his role as the main transmitter and source of information and entertainment in the global arena, we can realize the relevance of these ‘few’ to influence the agenda, the individuals, the public sphere and the public opinion.

After reading the above paragraphs, it is clear to me that was created a global commercial media system using the WTO Agreements. And the TNC’s and the countries where those companies are located dominate that global media system. The riddle with these facts is if the Westphalian state system and the countries that constructed the above mentioned new global media system will disappear in favor of its creation and the new trend of globalization or, to the contrary, will consolidate their power.

1 comment:

  1. I don't think that countires will simply disappear due to the expanding global media system, but I do agree that it does erode certain boundaries and facets of state power, especially concerning public opinion policy. As I belive we've mentioned in class, Google could buy a country if it wanted to. Google could destroy a country if it wanted to. Google hasn't however, at least not yet. Google could, however, already be shaping how people think more effectively than any government program or state policy ever could, simply by what content gets rated as "front page" material, or by what businesses they choose to partner with.
